New Face, Who Dis?

Recently, a man well known to the city not only for his religious beliefs, but for his awful driving abilities has made the decision to undergo plastic surgery.

Pastor Pete Morrison though young for his age, had a wrinkly, leather-like face of an 80-year-old man. Plastic surgery, a facelift, and Botox seemed like the only answer to remedy the visual difference in his looks and actual age.

After consulting with Dr. Lola Thompson, Pastor Pete was able to create an image of what he wanted to look EXACTLY like. After talking to Dr. Thompson, she mentioned it was a bit of a difference to what he looked like now and wondered why he would want such a large nose, but she explained that she would give Pastor Pete EXACTLY what he was requesting.

After numerous hours under the knife, Pastor Pete finally had a new face. He emerged from Pillbox a new man! He was greeted by a crowd of friends very excited to see his new look. Many comments were made, mostly positive, and Pastor Pete was applauded for his endeavor.

Video courtesy of Steve Johnson –

We asked Pastor Pete a few interview questions about his decision to change his appearance:

What made you want to get plastic surgery?

 Well, my age has really started to affect how I look. I think from my weight loss journey I hadn’t yet had the skin reformed. It needed to be done.

How do you think this will impact your life?

A definite positive, better presentation makes business go around.

Do you like how your plastic surgery turned out?

It’s…a step in the right direction. Doctor Thompson did the best she could.

How do you think this will affect your business as a lawyer?

I think having a friendlier face will help business

Congratulations on your new face Pastor Pete! Should anyone else be looking for such a surgery, be sure to contact Dr. Lola Thompson at Pillbox!

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