Jax and Jerry, two examplar citizens.

Jax and Jerry are both fantastic individuals and widely known among the Los Santos community. There is a lot that could be said about them and many people think greatly of them. Within this article, I will go into detail about how each of them are such amazing and law-abiding citizens.

“Jax is sexy as fuck.”

Borat Sadjgejsvvjsjvjsvjsjvsjejjasjdjeasjvjs

“I saw my ugly ass nose in the reflection of Jerrys head.”

Alex Chulo

“Jax has a long sausge in his pants”

Bradley Brad

“Jerry has a long schlong”

Jook Joofroos”

Jax is a kind young fella with a lot of charisma and has done countless good deeds. The list of heartwarming things he has done is endless and includes feeding homeless people, saving children from a pedophile called Borat, donating $2M to countless charities. Even after all this great work within the community Jax is still put down for his efforts and bullied by the police. He has been abused, attacked, and wrongfully arrested for things like kidnapping when he would never do such a thing. One time a police officer even ran him over!

Jerry is also amazing and has helped countless people during his time in Los Santos. Jerry suffers from cancer, resulting in him having no hair. Jerry loves to do all sorts of activities ranging from cutting fingers off people to help feed starving children, creating a Frankenstein with stolen limbs, and many more courageous things! Jerry has a beautiful bald head and it shines like the north star! Jerry has also been wrongfully arrested multiple times suggesting the police of this city aren’t doing their job as intended.

Jax and jerry out protecting the citizens of Los Santos while defending the 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

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