The underground street-racing life of Los Santos

A series of interviews with some of the most notorious figures within the street racing community.

The street racing community in Los Santos is vast and controlled by a few figures. I was lucky enough to contact them and ask a few questions. I also had a talk with a notorious street racer who claims that they are the “current champion”. Throughout the interviews, they released a lot of information that can be useful for people who may be interested in getting into the community. They also discussed the pros & cons of taking part in these activities and the problems that may arise if illegally street racing, one even stated it’s “pure bliss”.

Garage used for many street racing purposes e.g. upgrading cars.

This interview is done by a figure who is at large in the street racing community. He has shown me around his livelihood and talked to me in-depth about certain aspects of street racing. I have visited his manor his shop and many other things related to his business. He is one of the main 3 figures in the street racing organization and I was glad to be able to talk with him.

This Interview took place with another one of the main organisers. In this interview we spoke about problems to do with police involvment and other interesting topics surrounding the street racing community.

I wanna thank the people involved for allowing me to create this article and being so cooperative.

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