Accepted MCK X81X - Police Application



User name: MCK X81X

Name Tanner Nolan

Character Name Ronny Star

Email Address [email protected]

Are you 16 or older? Yes

Discord Tag MCK X81X#9874

Which department do you want to join? LSPD

Why do you want to be in the police force? (Min 150 words) I want to join the police force, because I am interested in role playing as a police officer and have never role played as a police officer in any other city I have been in. I also want my character to have a story and would like it to be a cop. as in the past I have roleplayed as other things such as mechanic ems and gangs and out of those three ems was the only one i had a good story as my character. I feel if I was a LEO I could interact better with other characters in the city and have a better RP experience. I also feel like i would have a lot of fun with being a police officer, such as police chases and stopping all the criminals in the city lol.
If it possible and when i climb the ranks i would like to RP other units(Ex: Gang unit, highway patrol) if that is possible or available.

What past experience do you have with emergency service roleplay? I have about 2 months of EMS experience from the last city i was in. So I know a lot of the basic calls other then the police ones.

What personal qualities make you stand out from other applicants? -Common sense
-Interacting with people
-Willing to learn from other's
-Taking order's
-Team player

How many hours a week can you be active? I play for a about 2-3 hours a day


Good Job, Your Application has been accepted, ask for an FTO at MRPD and they will set you up.