Pokimane is my e-girl.
This is an in-depth dive into the new v2 features. Please be aware this update will be followed by a server wipe.
- We have edited how housing props are stored in our database allowing us to move interiors around more freely without causing issues for props previously spawned. This also includes a system that preloads any personal housing props on player load rather than character load decreasing spawn times.
- EMS Examine has been fixed
- The drug system has received a complete rework
- There are now over 13 drugs in the city, all have unique perks and abilities that make them useful to players not just to sell.
- Meth has now become a public drug with a fun new breaking bad themed creation system
- The current list of drugs is Weed, Oxy, Coke, Meth, Heroin - > All having different strands valued at varying prices.
- The cocaine safe system has been redesigned to contain a variety of new items, not just cocaine anymore!
- The inventory has received its third rework of the month, this has increased stability significantly.
- Fire extinguishers will no longer trigger GSR test positives (sorry to the people who lovingly abused that!)
- Reputation system has been reworked and implemented into /skills
- The weapons system has been updated to run off of reputation and is no longer faction locked.
- Gas stations are now individually priced rather than 1 price for them all
- Recoil has been fixed with the skill system
- Licenses have been updated, the weapons dealership now updates instantly and license data is attached to the item itself.
- We have added checks in the MDT for police to verify if licenses for that individual are actually active or not.
- A patch fixing interior proxies and the elusive orange-earth-uranus crash has been patched, how long this lasts is another question though!
- We have changed how and where police receive alerts. This will result in crime happening more easily and uninterrupted however this will allow the police to have breathing time in between calls and get back to roleplaying out the small fun things that they said they wanted more of!
- A few more bug fixes, you cant store vehicles unless your driver and F keys have been disabled while chopping cars to prevent an easy get-away.
- Keep an eye on the sky, ground, and sea as there are plenty of new ways for the new drugs to be imported!
- Sub-fix, supply crates are now fully networked. Anyone is able to see them and pick them up.
- The EMS cupboard has been fixed (sorry it took so long!)
- A bunch of new minigames have been added around the server, for heists and regular tasks too!
- TokoVOIP has been updated including the public interface and ws-server backend to decrease connection times (you will also no longer have to go to Plugins > Connect if you open teamspeak after loading into the game)
- An entire economy rework. You can thank @Antony and @AdsterLAD for all of that!
- Although still not perfect, custom peds are working a little bit better with things like drug sales and other ped interactions.
- All weapons are now individual items and should no longer be stackable (including mele)
- Patched a little money glitch on the phone..
- Factions will be able to purchase their own warehouses and furnish them just like the housing system!
- More housing props to allow more creative decoration options!
- The prison will now put your inventory contents into a storage locker which you can access when you get out of prison.
- /restore {unique name} has been added which allows you to restore skins pre-reset onto a new character.
- Fake plates! You are now able to find fake plates in safe robberies and around the map, these can be used to change the plates of any vehicle until it is destroyed or stored!
- We welcome back a new and improved Ammonia Robbery! Head down to Humane Labs when dusk sets and see what you can get up to!
- Inventory weight. Players are now able to carry up to 45KG at any time. Although this is a "soft-cap" if you try to carry anymore you may end up tripping over your own feet!
- Air control in vehicles
- The ability for you to purchase custom Super Yachts (still in BETA)
- Flight/Pilots program. You are able to purchase planes and some small aircraft (also in BETA)
- A lot of legacy code that was just trash and causing errors
- Legacy engine toggle message from CTRL + E
- A lot of bulk-ware scripts. Scripts that didn't need their own resource/general optimisations, etc.